Here's an example:
/tmp> php test.cpp.php | g++ -x c++ -Wall -o test - /tmp> ./test Hello 0 Hello 1 Hello 2 Hello 3 Hello 4 /tmp> cat test.cpp.php #include <iostream> int main() { <?php for ($i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) { echo 'std::cout << "Hello ', $i, '" << std::endl;'; } ?> return(0); } /tmp>Here's a more interesting example:
/tmp> php weather_example.c.php | gcc -x c -Wall -o weather_example - /tmp> ./weather_example Hi, when I was compiled, the weather here in New York City was 57F /tmp> cat weather_example.c.php <?php $w = file_get_contents(''); $f = '<temp_f data="'; echo '#define __WEATHER__ ', (int)substr($w, strpos($w, $f)+strlen($f)), 'U', "\n"; ?> #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hi, when I was compiled, the weather here in New York City was %uF\n", __WEATHER__); return(0); } /tmp>