Sunday, February 17, 2019

Is SHA-3 (Keccak) already broken?

The other day I needed to add SHA-3 (Keccak) support to a project in order to ensure interoperability with some other applications. I actually wanted to add SHA-3 support back when it first came out before I had a specific use for it, but at the time, I looked at some code samples, and it looked way too confusing. However, when looking for code samples the other day, I found some more straightforward implementations, that were clear enough that I could figure out how it worked and write my own implementation.

I’ve implemented over a dozen hash algorithms, for reasons I won’t go into here. One upside to doing this is that I can get a decent understanding of how it works internally so I can be familiar with its pros and cons. Now understanding how SHA-3 (Keccak) works, and comparing it to some other hash algorithms, I’m actually somewhat appalled by what I’m seeing.

Hash Properties Overview

Cryptographic hash algorithms (like the Secure Hash Algorithm family) take a file, document, or some other set of data, and produce a fixed size series of bytes to describe the data. Typically between 20 and 64 bytes. These hashes are supposed to change drastically if even a single bit is altered in the input data that is being hashed. They’re also supposed to ensure it’s computationally difficult to produce data targeting a specific hash.

There’s two main properties desired in a cryptographic hash algorithm:

1) That it should be too difficult to generate two documents that have the same hash. This ensures that if party A shows party B a document, and gets them to approve the document’s hash in some sort of whitelist or signature, that party A cannot use a different document against B’s whitelist or signature that is now also approved without consent of B.

2) That if a certain set of data is whitelisted or signed by a party, that it would be too difficult to generate a different set of data that matches a whitelisted or signed hash.

These two properties are really similar. The only difference is whether you’re targeting a preexisting hash that exists somewhere, or generating two different sets of data that can have any hash, as long as they’re identical.

If the first property is not applicable for a hash algorithm, it may still be usable for cases where you’re not accepting data generated by a third party, but only validating your own. If the second property is not applicable, there may still be some use cases where the hash algorithm can be used, especially if only a certain subset of hashes can have data generated against them which match. However, if either property does not hold true, you generally should be using some other hash algorithm, and not rely on something which is broken.

Classical Cryptographic Hash Algorithm Design

For decades hash algorithms basically did the following:
  1. Initialize a “state” of a particular size, generally the output size, with a series of fixed values.
  2. Break the data up into a series of blocks of a larger particular size.
  3. Take each block and use bit operations and basic math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication) on its data, ignoring overflow, to reduce the block to a much smaller size, generally the output size, to be merged with the “state”. Each block is processed with some fixed data.
  4. Combine each of those states. This might be done by xoring or adding them altogether, and throwing away any overflow.
  5. Append the size of the data to the final block, producing an extra block if neccesary, performing steps 3 and 4 upon it.
  6. Return the state as the result.

SHA-3 Competition

All hash algorithms sooner or later don’t quite hold up to their expectations. Although this isn’t always a problem. For example, if a hash algorithm is supposed to take 1000 years to brute force a match to an existing hash, and someone figures out an algorithm to do it in 950 years, it doesn’t provide the security it theoretically advertises, but the margin of security is so high, it doesn’t matter.

However, in some recent years, real attacks violating one of the two key cryptographic hash properties which could be performed in hours or even minutes have been found against the popular MD5 and SHA-1 algorithms. These attacks don’t necessarily invalidate MD5 and SHA-1 from every potential use, but it’s bad enough that they should be avoided whenever possible, and should not be relied upon for security.

There’s also an issue with these classical hash algorithms regarding how the states are chained and returned as the hash. It makes it easy for hashes to be misused in some cases. Someone who doesn’t necessarily know what data matches a particular hash, can still calculate the hash of data + data2. This might be an issue in certain naïve usages of these hash algorithms.

Further, all the classical algorithms were shown to not quite hold up to their expectations, even though they’re still considered secure enough for the time being. This led to a desire to create a new series of hash algorithms which have a different structure than the classical ones. Therefore a competition was held to create some new ones and determine the best candidates for future use and to earn the title “SHA-3”.


One of the SHA-3 competition finalists was BLAKE. This hash algorithm was composed of a few different components. Its authors suggested studying BLAKE leaving out each of them, to understand how strong BLAKE was based on a majority of its components. After the competition was over, and after much study, it was realized that one of the components of BLAKE wasn’t necessary, and that the amount of operations overall could be reduced to improve its speed, without really hurting its security. Taking that alongside some interesting ideas introduced alongside Skein and Keccak, two other finalists, BLAKE2 was created. BLAKE2 is one of the fastest cryptographic hash algorithms, and is also considered to be one of the strongest available.

BLAKE2 works as follows:
  1. Initialize a “state” of a particular size, with a series of fixed values, mostly zeros.
  2. Break the data up into a series of blocks of a larger particular size.
  3. Take each block, the block number, and a flag, and use bit operations and addition, ignoring overflow, reducing the size of these in half, to be merged with the “state”. Each block+number+flag is processed with some fixed data.
  4. Combine each of those states.
  5. The flag used alongside the final block is different than all prior blocks.
  6. Return the state as the result.

Theoretically BLAKE2 is stronger than classical hashes, because there is data added to each block that is processed, which cannot be simply influenced by passing data to it. This makes computing data to go from state A to state B more difficult, because you would need a different set of data to do so depending on where the block you’re trying to replace is. Calculating a hash from another hash for data + data2 is more difficult, because of the flag change. The state for data would be different if more blocks were appended to the data.


The actual winner of the SHA-3 competition was the Keccak algorithm. It was chosen because it was really different from classical hashes (not necessarily a good thing), and really fast in hardware implementations.

Keccak works as follows:
  1. Initialize a large “state” of a particular size, with zeros.
  2. Break the data up into a series of blocks of a smaller particular size.
  3. Take each block, and use bit operations, to be merged with the larger “state”. Each block is processed with some fixed sparse data.
  4. Combine each of those states.
  5. The final block has two bits flipped.
  6. Return a small portion of the state as the result.

Like BLAKE2, Keccak aims to be stronger than classical hashes because there is state data larger than the size of the block, which cannot be immediately influenced by data (but can still be influenced). Calculating a hash based upon another with appended data is also difficult, because the result is a truncated state. The bit flips in the final block would help as well.

My thoughts

After implementing Keccak and understanding its design, I became alarmed by how much is missing. The use of pure bit operations make it easier to compute in reverse, aside from a few AND operations. The computation of the final state uses bit flippings inside the block, as opposed to outside beyond it, making it easier to tamper with (although theoretically still difficult). But most importantly, the utter lack of using a block counter or data size anywhere.

Classical hash algorithms make it difficult to insert blocks anywhere in the middle of data and get a matching hash. Even if you were able to compute some data to go from state A back to state A, you could not insert this somewhere, because the data size at the end must then be different, resulting in a different hash. Same goes for BLAKE2 because of its block counter appended to each block it processes. Keccak has absolutely nothing here.

Keccak’s initial state is all zeros, something which every Keccak hash must use. If you could compute data which is a multiple of the block size which when processed in Keccak would go from state all zeros to state all zeros, you have just broken Keccak. You would be able to prepend this data as many times as you want to the beginning of any other set of data, and produce the exact same hash. This would apply to every single Keccak hash produced, it targets all Keccak hashes in existence.

Now, I’m no expert cryptographer. Perhaps Keccak’s bit operations ensure that a state of all zeros could never be produced from it. Maybe there even exists a proof for this which is in a document or article I haven’t seen yet. However, if there is no such proof, then Keccak may be broken much worse than even the classical hash algorithms are. With the classical algorithms that are broken, you generally have to break each hash with a very large amount of computations specific to each hash result you want broken. With Keccak here, once a prefix becomes known, you can just prepend it, no computation necessary.

Improving Keccak

Of course if Keccak is indeed broken in this fashion, it’s not hard to fix. The data size could be processed in the end, or a block counter could be used alongside each block like BLAKE2, the state is certainly large enough to be able to handle it. If one were to change Keccak, I’d also move the bit flippings at the end to occur beyond the block size inside the state, just to make it more difficult to tamper with the final result. In the mean time though, is Keccak, and therefore SHA-3, even safe to use?


For the three kinds of length extension attacks that may exist (prepending, inserting, appending), it appears that classical hashes defeat the first two and have some issues with the third. BLAKE2 defeats them all. Keccak does an okay job against the third, but offers no protection against the first two. A known attack existing against the first would be catastrophic. This is fixable if the algorithm is improved.